
Visits by executives of US subsidiaries
2023-07-07 17:05

Welcome multiple executives from our US subsidiary to visit and inspect Yiyuan Kebao Kindergarten.


On July 3rd, Chen He Ping and his team from Kindle Heart Montessori School, an American subsidiary of Dalian Wafangdian City Yiyuan Jibao Kindergarten,arrived at the kindergarten. Director Wang da zhen and Board chairman Wang li lin received the reception.
Chen He ping visited the kindergarten and had a friendly interaction with the children, greatly appreciating the management and professionalism of Chinese companies.
Mr. Wang and Mr. Chen have set a schedule for future visits between Chinese and American kindergartens, hoping for more interaction and exchanges between Chinese and American children in the future.

7月3日大连瓦房店市艺源吉宝幼儿园美国子公司kindle Heart Montessori  School —Chen he plng等一行来到幼儿园。园长Wang da zhen、理事长Wang li lin进行了接待。
Chen he ping参观了幼儿园,并与小朋友进行了亲切的互动,对中国公司的管理和专业大为赞赏。